Natural PEDs – What Are the Risks and Benefits of Tribulus?


During the 2000s, several athletes seized the opportunity to gain an edge over their competition by using natural PEDs. These compounds are derived from plants native to the mountains of Mongolia, Russia and northeastern China. Researchers believe that they are powerful stimulants of the central nervous system, resulting in lipolytic and thermogenic effects. Because of many concerns about safety, most countries have banned their use. If you are looking for natural PEDs, read on to learn about the different options.


Ephedra, or ma huang, has been used for more than 5,000 years in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). This herb has been used to treat cold and flu symptoms, respiratory problems, and fever. It is also used as a diuretic and is commonly combined with other herbs. It has also been used in weight loss supplements and to improve athletic performance. Recent research has found that ephedra may have more side effects than its benefits, including an increase in blood pressure.

The FDA hasn’t placed any restrictions on ephedra, but it has faced growing consumer complaints. Many of these complaints involved serious side effects and deaths in otherwise healthy people. Prominent victims of ephedra use include baseball pitcher Steve Bechler. The FDA commissioner also pointed out that ephedra may interact with other stimulants, including caffeine. He expressed concern that such an interaction may increase the risk of cardiac arrest or stroke.

Tribulus terrestris

There are several benefits associated with tribulus as natural PEDs. Its erectile dysfunction-fighting properties are known to support female sexual function. It also balances the levels of hormones in the body. Moreover, tribulus extracts are used for treating skin problems such as leprosy. It may even alleviate symptoms of angina. In addition, tribulus may improve coronary circulation and dilate coronary arteries.

The traditional Chinese use of T. terrestris extracts has shown protective effects against atherosclerosis. Aqueous extract of TSETT lowered the blood pressure of hypertensive rats. The plant’s ability to lower blood pressure may be related to its ability to inhibit the activity of the angiotensin-converting enzyme, a key mediator of hypertension. However, this is only one side effect of TSETT.

Ephedra sinica

The Chinese plant, Ephedra sinica, has been used for medical purposes for several thousand years. In the ancient text of Shen Nung, it is first mentioned, and has since maintained a prominent place in the materia medica of China. Today, there are several species of ma-huang, the most important of which is Ephedra sinica. But what exactly does this plant do?

The plant’s roots and stems contain volatile oils, which have important biological activity. The oil in the plant’s roots is a potent antioxidant. The ephedra extract is found in many pharmaceutical formulations, and is commonly taken for a wide variety of ailments. In recent studies, its active constituents have been isolated. The plant’s water-soluble arabinan is composed of (a+’5)-AraAE’, (1a+’2-AraAE’), (b+’5)AraAE’ and T-AraAE’. These compounds have been isolated from the Ephedra sinica stem. Further, methylation analysis has shown that Ephedra is a powerful stimulant.


In order to understand the risks and benefits of androstenedione, you must first understand what it does to the body. Androstenedione is a natural hormone with diverse metabolic reactions. We have been studying the mechanisms of its action and consumption for decades, but this is only a preliminary review. The findings will guide further research and provide important guidance on safe and effective dosages.

Androstenedione was first discovered in the 1970s, and rose to fame in 1998 when Mark McGwire broke Roger Maris’ home run record. However, it wasn’t until he announced his use of the substance that it was banned by most sports organizations. It was discovered to have little benefit and has since been linked to numerous health problems. As a result, it is no longer widely used.


In a study published in the journal Science, Dr. Green warned that the “insidious influence of performance-enhancing drugs” in sports was a major cause of the proliferation of doping practices. In fact, more than 192 different PEDs and HGH are banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency, and new types are constantly being developed. It is difficult to keep track of these developments because they are so many.

As an athlete, you probably have heard of the use of cadaveric GH. The reason is relatively simple: it is illegal to obtain such a substance. However, there are some legal risks. Using cadaveric HGH may result in the development of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, a slow-progressing form of dementia. In addition to the risk of developing a potentially life-threatening condition, cadaveric GH can interfere with the lipid profile and lower HDL-cholesterol levels.